1. General Provisions.
1.1 This public offer (hereinafter referred to as "Offer") is an offer of Limited Liability Company "Soul Softwares" (INN 2540282018, OGRNIP 1232500034953, hereinafter referred to as "Service Administrator") to conclude a contract on the terms and conditions set forth hereinafter with any person who agrees with the terms and conditions of this Offer and is interested in receiving information and consulting services and interactive game services of the Service Administrator, (hereinafter referred to as "User").
1.2 Acceptance of this Offer is understood as the performance of registration actions specified in paragraph 4.1. of this Offer, in which the User indicates his personal data or such data is transmitted automatically from third-party services (social networks, messengers, telecom operators and others).
1.3 The User is obliged to fully familiarize himself with the terms of this Offer before making payment for the service. In turn, making registration actions and payment for the contract is a confirmation of the User's full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Offer.
1.4 Acceptance of this Offer means the User's consent to the processing of personal data provided during registration (paragraph 4.1. of this Offer). According to subparagraph 5, paragraph 1, Article 6 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Personal Data", processing of personal data is allowed if it is necessary for the execution of the contract to which the subject of personal data is a party.
Personal data provided when using the Site will be used in accordance with the provisions of this Offer. In addition to the purposes set out elsewhere in this Policy, we may use your personal data for the purposes of:
A) improving the functionality of the Site through personalization;
B) send information (other than marketing information) to you, where we think it may be of interest to you, by post, email and other technologies;
C) sending you marketing information relating to our business [or the business of carefully selected third parties] that we think may be of interest to you by post or, if you have consented, by email or similar technologies. (You may notify us at any time that you are no longer interested in receiving marketing information from us).
We will not share your personal data with third parties for marketing purposes, without your consent.
In addition to the provisions of this Offer, we may share information about you:
A) where we are required to do so by applicable law;
B) in connection with legal proceedings or potential legal proceedings;
C) in order to exercise and protect our legal rights (including providing information to third parties to prevent illegal actions and minimize credit risk);
D) to the seller or buyer (including potential buyers) of the business or asset we are selling or buying.
Except as set out in this Offer, we will not share any information about you with third parties.
1.5 Acceptance of this Offer means the User's consent to the mailing of advertising and informational notices of the Service Administrator and its partners (legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, self-employed citizens and individuals cooperating with the Service) using the User's contact information (personal data specified during registration or other use of the Service, as well as using data received automatically from third-party services (social networks, messengers, telecom operators). Advertising and information messages may be sent via email messages, SMS messages, telephone calls, including automated calls, sending messages via messengers and social networks.
1.6 We may collect information about your computer and your visits to the Site, such as IP address, geographic location, browser type, source of information, length of visit, number of pages viewed. We may use this information to manage and improve the Site and for marketing purposes.
We use cookies. A cookie is a text file sent by a server to a browser and stored by the browser. The text file is then sent to the server each time the browser requests a web page from the server. This allows the server to identify and track the browser.
We may send cookies, which may then be stored by your browser on your hard disk. We may use cookie information for the purposes of administering the Site, improving the Site, and for marketing purposes. We may also use this information to recognize your computer when you visit the Site, and to personalize the Site to meet your needs. Our advertisers may also send you cookies.
Most browsers allow you to optionally accept or decline cookies. (For example, in Internet Explorer, you can refuse to accept cookies by selecting the "Block all cookies" option in the "Privacy" sub-section of the "Internet Options" menu under "Tools"). This will, however, adversely affect the functionality of many websites, including this Site.
1.7 The Site may contain links to external sites. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of external sites, nor are we responsible for the content of those sites.
1.8 The User represents and warrants that, by acting to accept the Offer, he:
1.8.1. In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation has civil legal capacity and legal capacity.
1.8.2 He has legal rights to enter into contractual relations with the Service Administrator;
1.8.3. Has reached the age of 18 years (majority, in accordance with Article 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
1.8.4. is not registered with a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, does not undergo a course of psychotherapy; does not suffer from psychological and/or mental disorders, prolonged depression;
1.8.5. does not take psychotropic, narcotic and other substances and preparations, including those restricted or prohibited for circulation in the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. Terms and Definitions.
2.1 "Service Administrator" - Limited Liability Company "Soul Software" (INN 2540282018, OGRNIP 1232500034953), which is the initiator of the Offer, provides services of access to Online Courses and/or Webinars and/or other services of the Service and exercises control over the actions of Users.
2.2 "User's Account" - a personal space of the User on the Service. User's Account is personalized;
2.3. "Webinar" - an interactive online event with the participation of the Lecturer within the framework of the relevant Online Course or a recording of such online event;
2.4. "Contract" - an Agreement for the provision of information and consulting services and interactive game services, concluded between the User and the Service Administrator by acceptance of the offer by the User in the manner prescribed by law (paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), which is considered compliance with the written form of the contract (paragraph 3 of Article 434 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
2.5. "Online Course" - an informational work, including audiovisual, specially created for its display on the Internet and consisting of a certain number of Lessons.
2.6. "Online School" - service of providing, via the Internet, information, informational works, interactive and other activities posted on and/or transmitted through the Service;
2.7 "User's Answer" - a requirement (task) performed by the User within the framework of the interactive game, which he/she submits to the Lecturer for further verification. The verification can be performed by the Lecturer personally or automatically. As a result of verification the User's Answer may be rejected, which is regarded as a failure to fulfill the requirement (task), and may impose a restriction on the Completion of the online course.
2.8. "Lecturer" - a person who provides services of providing information and/or verification of the User's Answers on the Service.
2.9. "Online Course Completion" - the process of obtaining information and/or knowledge and/or skills contained in the Online Course, as well as including the fulfillment of mandatory or optional requirements (tasks) within the framework of an interactive game;
2.10. "Website" - the website and the websites of partners, the addresses of which ensure the functioning of the Online School;
2.11. "Service" - the Website and a set of other technical means by means of which the Online School is provided;
2.12. "Stop Lesson" - a Lesson containing requirements (tasks) that limit the User's access to subsequent Lessons until the User fulfills the requirements set forth in the Stop Lesson.
2.13. "Lesson" - a logically united part of the Online Course, including those containing a Stop Lesson or imposing other restrictions on the possibility of taking the Online Course.
2.14. "Online Course Terms" - a set of requirements and restrictions set by the Service Administrator, which defines the conditions for the User to access the Online Course and determines the opportunities provided to the User when taking the Online Course. Depending on the services selected, Users may be subject to different requirements and opportunities.
2.15. "User" - a natural person who has entered into the Agreement by accepting this Offer to be able to use the services and information on the selected Webinar, Online Course or other activities of the Online School. In respect of underage individuals, the Agreement under this Offer is concluded by their legal representatives, and the rights and obligations of the User shall apply to these persons jointly and severally. When registering a minor User, the consent of his/her legal representative, including payment for the Service, is presumed.
2.16. Acceptance of the offer - full and unconditional acceptance of the offer by the User by taking actions to make an advance payment for the provision of information and consulting services. Acceptance of the offer creates the Contract.
2.17. Parties - the Service Administrator and the User.

3. Subject of the Agreement.
3.1 The Service Administrator provides, and the User accepts and undertakes to pay for information and consulting services and interactive game services within the framework of the Online School in the following forms:
provision of the service of access to Webinars;
provision of the service of access to Online Courses for the purpose of obtaining information by Users;
providing the service of verification of User's Answers in case such verification will be provided by the respective Online Course in order to verify the correctness of fulfillment of requirements (tasks) by the User.
3.2 The selection of the Online Course and/or Webinar and/or other service of the Service is made by the User on the relevant page (section) of the service, where detailed information about the service, its cost, timing and other essential conditions are indicated. Information about the service can be received and its selection by the User can be made by phone call, contact via email, messenger and/or filling out the appropriate form in social networks.
3.3 By paying the Service Administrator, the User expresses his full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Offer and confirmation of his full awareness of the selected service.
3.4 The User confirms that the result of services under this Offer will be the actions of the Service Administrator to conduct interactive games, which may include webinars, thematic seminars, courses, master classes, trainings, conferences in person or in absentia and/or the sale of electronic goods (text, audio, video), live performances, providing individual consultations, including with the involvement of third parties (hereinafter, information and consulting services).
3.5 The Service Administrator has the right to change the content of materials and terms of this public Offer unilaterally at any time without prior agreement with the User. Changes in the terms of the Offer Agreement shall become effective from the moment of publication on the Website.

4. Procedure for Provision of Services.
4.1 The User's access to the Online School services is provided through registration of the User's Account on the resources of the Service with the indication of the User's personal data, including by:
- filling out a form on the Website page, including those posted in social networks, specifying personal data (first name, last name, phone number, e-mail address or other);
- joining the Online School and Service community in social networks (VKontakte, etc.), including "subscribing" to the community or accepting an invitation to join the community;
- sending a message to the Service Administrator or other authorized person in the social network or commenting on another message in the community;
- connecting, adding to the contact list or launching an automatic contact of the Service ("bot") in a messenger (Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, VK Messenger) or sending a message to a contact of the Service using a messenger;
- sending an e-mail message to the Service's e-mail addresses;
- making a phone call to the Service's phone numbers;
- sending an SMS message to the phone numbers of the Service.
4.2 The choice of Online Course and/or Webinar and/or other service of the Service is made by the User on the relevant page (section) of the service (paragraph 3.2. of this Offer).
4.3 Provision of the service of access to the Online Course is made as follows:
Access to the Online Course is provided in the User's Account.
Access to the Online Course may be limited to a period determined by the Online Course Terms and Conditions.
The Service Administrator has the right to change the period of access to the Online Course under the terms of this Offer.
The Online Course may contain one or more Stop-Lessons. The number of Stop Lessons is set by the Service Administrator independently.
If the User fails to meet the requirements of a Stop Lesson or other requirements set forth in the Online Course Terms and Conditions, the User is not granted access to subsequent Online Course Lessons until the necessary requirements are met, but within the Online Course access period and in accordance with the Online Course Terms and Conditions.
4.3. The User, by mutual agreement with the Service Administrator, may be given the opportunity to extend access to the Online Course in the event that for any valid reasons the User was unable to complete the Online Course in the period set for the Online Course.
4.4 The provision of the service of access to Webinars is made in the following manner:
Webinars are conducted live or recorded, including simulated actions of the Lecturer and other viewers. The procedure for gaining access to the Webinar is determined by the Service Administrator.
Upon completion of the Webinar, Users may be provided with a recording of the Webinar. The procedure for providing access to the recording of the Webinar is determined by the Service Administrator.
If technically possible, the Service Administrator provides the User with a special form of communication (chat) with the Lecturer during the Webinar.
4.5 The replacement of the Online Course and/or Webinar and/or additional service of the Service at the request of the User before its provision is made only by the decision of the Service Administrator and in case of availability of such possibility, in particular, in case of availability of places on the Online Course.
4.6 Upon the fact of rendering services, an acceptance certificate is not drawn up. If the User does not submit a written, documented claim to the Service Administrator within 3 (three) days from the date of expiration of the term of service provision, the service is considered to have been provided in full and with proper quality.
4.7 The full and unconditional acceptance of this offer is the User's payment for the services offered by the Service Administrator. With regard to the services offered by the Service Administrator with the terms of payment in installments - full and unconditional acceptance of this offer is the User's payment of the first installment of the amount agreed upon by the parties.
4.8 The conclusion of this Agreement by the User is carried out by making an application for services on the website and/or a subdomain of this website, as well as on third-party official pages and social networks and payment for these services by transferring funds to the current account of the User directly or through one of the payment aggregators specified on the website
4.9 This Agreement shall be deemed concluded and shall come into force for the Parties from the date of payment for the User's services and shall remain in force until the Parties fulfill their obligations. The date of payment shall be considered the moment of receipt of funds to the settlement account of the Service Administrator.
4.10. Links to participate in the webinar, training, as well as links to download and/or view the ordered digital goods to the User shall be sent to the Email specified by the User or provided in the personal cabinet after receipt of funds by the Service Administrator. If the User has paid and has not received the links to the ordered services within 7 working days after payment - it is necessary to contact the support service by email:, providing an electronic copy of the payment receipt with the order number and payment details.
4.11. To receive information and consulting services, the User independently configures the software, hardware and Internet channel of their computer or mobile device in such a way as to be able to freely use all services of the training portal, the above sites, as well as third-party official pages in social networks and other Internet resources used in the course of providing services.
4.12. The Service Administrator reserves the right to stop providing services to the User without the right to a refund, in case of open violation of the rules of receiving services by the User, namely: inciting interethnic and other conflicts, distracting other participants from receiving services, placing unauthorized advertising on the User's resources, foul language, insulting the User, persons engaged by the Provider to provide services or other participants, unlawful actions of the User in relation to the Service Provider, illegal actions of the User in relation to the Service Provider. 4.13. The Service Administrator reserves the right to terminate the provision of services to the User.
4.13. Services are provided for personal use by the User. It is prohibited to transfer the access details to the information and consulting services and digital goods of the Service Administrator to third parties for their joint use without special permission of the Service Administrator.
4.14. The User is prohibited to distribute (publish, post on Internet sites, copy, transfer or resell to third parties) for commercial or non-commercial purposes materials provided by the Service Administrator under this Agreement-Offer, as well as to use them in any other way, except for personal use without the written consent of the Service Administrator. The User is notified that each media file transmitted to the User contains unique metadata. If the Service Administrator discovers a file with metadata transferred to the User on any third-party resources, after receiving a written claim from the Service Administrator within 24 hours, the User shall pay to the Service Administrator a fine in the amount of 1,000,000 (one million) rubles 00 kopecks, remove the file from the third-party resource, and in case of delay in fulfillment of this obligation - a fine in the amount of 50,000 (fifty thousand) rubles 00 kopecks for each calendar day of delay in fulfillment of the obligation.
4.15. The Service Administrator has the right to refuse to provide services to the User in the absence of any objective impossibility of technical nature to accept the service.

5. Rights and obligations of the parties.

Service Administrator:
5.1. Has the right to independently determine the composition of specialists providing services; attract third parties to provide services;
5.2. Has the right to determine and set the cost of services at its own discretion.
5.3 The right to provide services only after the User has made a prepayment and accepted this Offer.
5.4 The right to receive from the User any information necessary to fulfill its obligations under the service selected by the User, and the Service Administrator has the right to suspend the fulfillment of its obligations until the necessary information is provided in full.
5.5 The Service Administrator has the right to refuse to provide services to the User in case of failure to provide or incomplete or incorrect provision of personal information by the User during registration and in the process of service fulfillment. 5.6 The Service Administrator has the right to refuse to provide services to the User.
5.6 The right to refuse to provide new services to the User, if the User has committed violations provided for by the legislation and the Agreement and giving the Service Administrator the right to unilaterally suspend or terminate the provision of services or refuse to fulfill the Agreement.
5.7. Has the right to use the Users' Answers in any way, without any restrictions.
5.8. Obliged to carry out registration of the User with sufficient registration data, opening the User's Account, to organize access to information materials.
5.9. Obliged to organize and ensure proper execution of the services selected by the User.
5.10. Obliged to provide the User with all necessary information materials according to the information about the service on the Website.
5.11. Obliged to eliminate malfunctions or provide alternative access to the Service in case of lack of access to information materials due to technical failures of the Site.
5.12. Obliged to be responsible for the actions of third parties involved in the process of rendering services under the Agreement.

5.13. Has the right to demand from the Service Administrator to provide information on issues related to the organization and ensuring proper performance of the services under the Agreement.
5.14. Has the right to change or cancel the service on the terms and conditions of this Offer before the start of service provision.
5.15. Obliged to provide accurate information when registering in the Service, including providing complete and correct data when executing the Contract. In case the Agreement contains false or incomplete data, the Service Administrator is not liable to the User for providing information materials on the erroneously specified data not to the User, but to third parties.
5.16. The User is obliged to fulfill the requirements (tasks) when receiving services.
5.17. Obliged to follow the Lecturer's instructions when fulfilling the requirements (tasks).
5.18. Obliged to fulfill the requirements of the Stop Lesson in order to continue receiving services.
5.19. Obliged to respect the copyright of the Service Administrator on all information materials of the Service in accordance with the civil law.
5.20. Obliged to use the paid services under the Agreement within the period specified in the relevant information section about the service on the Website. As a general rule, after the expiration of the specified period of time the User is considered to have received the service of the Service Administrator in full and loses the ability to access the corresponding service.
5.21. The User is obliged to observe the norms of decency when consuming services (not to use profanity, not to use in communication expressions that may offend the representative of the Service Administrator or other Users; not to distribute advertising and not to offer services of third-party resources, their services or services of third parties).
5.22. The User hereby certifies that he/she is not registered with a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, psychotherapy course; does not suffer from psychological/psychiatric disorders, prolonged depression; does not take psychotropic, narcotic and other substances and drugs, including those restricted or prohibited for circulation in the territory of the Russian Federation.
5.23. Obliged to ensure uninterrupted operation of the Internet channel, equipment and software on its part in such a way as to be able to freely use all services of the Site and third-party official pages and social networks and other Internet resources used in the course of providing services;
5.24. Obliged not to use the Site with the use of methods, algorithms and software for hiding information about the User in the network from a remote server (VPN-services, proxy-servers, including the technology of "onion" routing, etc.).
5.25. The User is obliged to comply with the requirements of local normative acts of the Service Administrator (with which the User is obliged to get acquainted), to observe discipline and generally accepted norms, in particular, to show respect to the staff and other persons, not to infringe on their honor and dignity, not to allow aggressive behavior during the provision of services, not to interfere with the Service Administrator or its representative, or other Users during the provision/receipt of services, not to allow statements (orally, in writing) that do not relate to the topic of the seminar, course, master class, not to use any other means of communication, and not to use any other means of communication.
5.26. Obliged to timely perform independent work assigned in the process of receiving information and consulting services, if its performance is necessary in the opinion of the Service Administrator.
5.27. Obliged not to use the information received from the Service Administrator in a way that causes damage to the interests of the Service Administrator.
5.28. Not to use the materials provided by the Service Administrator for the purpose of making profit by means of their replication and multiple reproduction (publications in the press and other publications, public speeches, etc.) and other ways, not to distribute to third parties and not to publish in publicly available sources for any circle of persons information, materials, manuals or recordings of seminars, courses, master classes provided by the Service Administrator.
5.29. On the Website, as well as third-party official pages and in social networks and other online resources used in the course of providing services to the User, do not distribute advertising of third-party resources, their services or services of third parties before, during and after the provision by the Service Administrator of services paid for by the User.

6. Cost of services and payment procedure.
6.1 Payment for the Service is made in the order of 100% prepayment. Methods and possible payment options are specified in the User's Account when selecting a service and in the appropriate section of the Service.
6.2 The fact of payment of the cost of the Online Course and/or Webinar means that the User has familiarized and agrees with the information on the Online Course and/or Webinar presented on the Service, intends to complete the Online Course or listen to the Webinar.
6.3 The Services are payable by means of payment systems, information about which is available on the Service.
6.4 After selecting an Online Course and/or Webinar in the User's Account, an invoice for payment is generated, which may be, at the User's direction, duplicated to the User's e-mail address or by other agreed means.
6.5 The invoice must be paid by the User within 3 (Three) working days from the date of receipt, unless another term is specified in the invoice or in the User's Account.
6.6 In case of partial payment or non-payment of the cost of the Online Course and/or Webinar within the due date, access to the Online Course and/or Webinar shall not be granted to the User.
6.7. The Service Administrator may decide to provide access to the Online Course and / or Webinar in the case of payment of the invoice after the date specified in paragraph 6.5. of this Offer only if the cost of the selected Online Course and / or Webinar on the date of receipt of payment has not changed and the technical ability to connect the User to this service.
6.8 The Service may provide additional services related to the Online School. The fact of payment for such additional services will mean that the User agrees with all information about the services provided by the Service. To additional services, all provisions of Online Courses or Webinars apply, unless otherwise stated in the information on additional services.

7. Liability.
7.1 The User is responsible for the inconsistency of the information specified by him/her during registration and realizes the risk of adverse consequences associated with its incorrect indication. The Service Administrator does not check the accuracy of the data provided by the User.
7.2 The User is responsible for placing on the Service, including in the User Account, intellectual property objects, such as photos, pictures, drawings, articles, logos, and other objects that are granted legal protection under the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In the event of third party claims to the Service Administrator regarding the said objects, the User is obliged to settle them independently. If the Service Administrator is sued for protection of the right, as a result of which the Service Administrator suffers losses, the User shall compensate such losses within one month from the date of the Service Administrator's claim for compensation.
7.3 The User is prohibited to use the information received in the Service for commercial purposes, to place it in the public domain on their own behalf, to transfer it to third parties.
7.4 The User is responsible for copying and further distribution of the Online Course and / or Webinar and / or other audio-visual information provided by the Service, as a whole or any part thereof. In case of detection of violations specified in this paragraph, the Service Administrator has the right to block the User's Account (including with the suspension of services), presenting him with a corresponding claim, as well as to apply to a judicial body to protect their rights and recover from the User in court losses and compensation. If it is found that the User is a participant and/or distributor of the Online Course (including parts of the Online Course) on services of joint purchases of information products (warehousing), the User will be obliged to pay to the Service Administrator a fine of 1 000 000,00 (One million) rubles, in the manner prescribed by paragraph 4.14 of this Offer.
7.5 The User is responsible for providing third parties with access to their Account. If it is established that third parties have access to their Account, the User shall pay to the Service Administrator a fine in the amount of 300,000.00 (Three hundred thousand) rubles for each case of violation.
7.6 The Service Administrator is not responsible for the User's decision to use the Service and is not responsible for the User's observance of rest time, for his/her mental and physical health.
7.7 The Parties have agreed that the User cannot refuse the services after the beginning of their provision on the basis of personal attitude to the services or lack of expected result from the consumed information materials under the Contract.
7.8. The Service Administrator is not responsible for the impossibility to serve the User for reasons related to the failure of the Internet channel, equipment or software on the part of the User, as well as for any other reasons preventing the User from receiving the services, which occurred through the fault of the User.
7.9 The Service Administrator is not responsible for the way the User used the information received during the information and consulting service
7.10. The Service Administrator is not responsible for the result of use or usefulness of the services provided. In case the composition of the services provided under the current Offer Agreement does not correspond to the User's needs, the Service Administrator shall not be liable.
7.11. The aggregate liability of the Service Administrator under the Offer Agreement, for any claim or claim against the provider of the Offer Agreement or its fulfillment is limited to the amount of payment made to the Service Administrator by the User under the Offer Agreement.
7.12. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this public Offer the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
7.13. Any claims of the User are considered only on the basis of a reasonable written request sent to the Service Administrator at the addresses specified in this Offer.
7.14. The Parties shall be released from liability for full or partial failure to fulfill their obligations under this Offer, if such failure was caused by force majeure circumstances, which arose after the conclusion of the contract, as a result of events of extraordinary nature, which the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures (force majeure), including: fire, floods, earthquakes, other natural phenomena, blockade, entry into force and / or application of regulatory acts and / or actions of the government of the Russian Federation.

8. Cancellation of the Service.
8.1. If the User decides to cancel an Online Course, Webinar or other service of the Service, he/she must notify the Service Administrator by sending him/her a corresponding notice through the means of feedback indicated on the Service. The refusal takes effect 5 (five) calendar days after its sending by terminating access to the relevant information materials. In this case, the return of the paid amount is carried out according to the rules of clauses 8.2. and 8.3. of this Offer.
8.2 All refunds to the User without exception are transferred minus the commissions of payment systems and actual costs incurred by the Service before the date of refusal to provide access to the Online Course and / or Webinar and / or additional services.
8.3 If on the date of refusal the User has started the Online Course and/or Webinar and/or consumption of another service of the Service, but subsequently decided to refuse this service, the Service Administrator in addition to the commission of the payment system and actual costs, withholds the cost of services actually provided on the date of refusal, calculated as a percentage of the received services to the total volume of services within the Online Course and/or Webinar and/or additional services. If the User refuses from the service after the expiration of the term of provision of this service, the funds will not be refunded.
8.4 The refund of funds paid by the User shall be made in the same manner as their payment, or in another manner agreed with the User.

9. Final provisions.
9.1 The Agreement concluded on the basis of the User's acceptance of this Offer is valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations in full.
9.2 The procedure of pre-trial dispute resolution procedure is obligatory for disputable issues by the Parties.
9.3 The claim to the Service should be sent to the e-mail address specified on the Service, indicating in the subject line "Dispute". The administrator of the Service sends the claim to the User's e-mail address specified by the User at the time of registration.
9.4 If there is no agreement on the disputed issue within 35 (Thirty-five) days from the date of receipt of the claim by the Service or the User, the interested party has the right to appeal to a judicial body of the Russian Federation at the location of the Service Administrator (contractual jurisdiction).
9.5 The Service is not responsible for failures arising in telecommunication and power networks or failures of equipment ensuring the functioning of the Service; actions of malicious programs that caused termination or suspension of the Internet both in general and in separate network segments involved in the execution of this Agreement; for illegal actions of third parties aimed at unauthorized access and (or) disabling the Service.
9.6 This Offer may be changed by the Administrator of the Service at any time, in this regard, the User is obliged to independently check the relevance of the text of this Offer before paying for the Service. With respect to the Service and during the entire time of its provision, the terms of the Offer valid as of the date of payment for the service.
9.7 The Administrator of the Service shall notify Users about changes in the text of this Offer by posting its text on the Site.
9.8 If the Service Administrator has provided the User with access to the Online Course and/or Webinar on a free of charge basis, the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" shall not apply to such services.
9.9 The Service and the Service Administrator shall not bear any responsibility for the issue of the User's photo by a search robot of any search engine, if the User has placed his/her photo in his/her User Account.
9.10 By accepting the terms of the Offer, the User agrees in accordance with applicable law to the processing by the Service Administrator of the information provided by him and (or) his personal data (hereinafter - the Processing of Personal Data). Processing of Personal Data shall be performed with the use of automation means and without the use of automation means, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer, provision, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of data for the purpose of the Service Administrator's performance of its obligations under the terms of this Agreement, other obligations stipulated by the Agreement, as well as for the purpose of meeting the requirements of regulations on combating legalization. The term of use of the data provided by the User is indefinite. The User also consents to the processing and use by the Service Administrator of the information and (or) their personal data for the purpose of informational mailing about the services and offers of the Service Administrator to the contact phone number (by means of SMS short message service) and (or) contact e-mail address specified by the User - indefinitely, until the Service Administrator receives the User's notification by e-mail or in the telephone mode about the refusal to receive the mailings. The User also gives its consent to the transfer by the Service Administrator of the information and (or) its personal data provided by the User to third parties in order to perform the actions provided for in this paragraph, provided that there is a duly concluded agreement between the Service Administrator and such third parties. By entering into this Agreement, the User consents to the use of photo and video fixation means during trainings, webinars, individual counseling, etc., as well as to the publication of audio-visual materials on the conduct of such events in public sources. The User shall notify in advance about his/her unwillingness to participate in photo and video recording of events in order to take appropriate measures. By entering into this Agreement, the User agrees to publish their feedback on the training, webinars, individual counseling, etc. in open sources.
9.11. All information materials provided by the Service Administrator to the User, including possible recordings of video broadcasts conducted by the Service Administrator in the process of providing services, are the result of intellectual activity, the exclusive copyright, including related copyright, belongs to the Service Administrator.
9.12. The use of the results of intellectual activity without the written consent of the Service Administrator is a violation of the exclusive right of the Service Administrator, which entails liability provided by this Offer, as well as civil, administrative and other liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
9.13. The Parties recognize that if any of the provisions of the Offer becomes invalid during the term of its validity due to changes in legislation, the remaining provisions of the Offer are binding on the Parties during the term of the Offer.
9.14. Unless otherwise provided by the Agreement and this Offer, notices, notifications, demands and other legally significant messages (hereinafter - messages) may be sent by the Parties by fax, e-mail, cell phone using messengers: WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Skype or other means of communication, provided that they were sent to the addresses and phone numbers specified in this Agreement. Communications shall have civil legal consequences for the Party to whom they are sent from the moment of their delivery to the said Party or its representative. Such consequences arise also in case the message was not delivered to the addressee due to circumstances beyond his control (Clause 1 of Article 165.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

10. Service Administrator's requisites:
Limited Liability Company "Soul Software"
TIN: 2540282018
OGRNIP: 1232500034953
Address: 690078, RF Primorsky Krai,
г. Vladivostok, 28, Soyuznaya St., office 42.
R/s: 40702810510001539697
in the bank: JSC "Tinkoff Bank".
K/s: 30101810145250000974, BIK: 044525974
Phone: +7 (995) 883-55-44